Using science to deliver what works
Delivery is about producing a plan that achieves your objectives. We work to shape our process into a well-defined and easy, executable process. Adapting it will help you achieve the efficiency that you know is attainable.
Our delivery is about utilizing expertise and science to streamline your business. Our methods for success include:
There are three ways to engage our services in your efforts: Standard implementation, essentials implementation, and a la carte. You can add consulting or delivery services to any package through the process.
Once an offering is chosen, it can always be upgraded or enhanced with additional services as we develop our partnership. We are here to help in any way you like — you can let us guide you as you learn to do it on your own, or we can handle all aspects of it for you. And don’t worry, if you decide to take the torch and lead the journey yourself, there are always options to bring our consultants into certain areas at any point along the way— all you need to do is ask.
Every offering includes access to our WSA Coaching Portal that holds guides, tools, and helpful videos from our consultants to help you at each step along the high performance journey.
Features | Standard Self-Service |
Essentials Fully Managed |
À La Carte |
Project Management | |||
A remotely delivered kickoff meeting, facilitated by WSA to introduce the project team members from both parties, review, and confirm the project scope. We discuss your requirements and establish the schedule for survey creation, administration, and reporting. Included in Standard and Essentials |
Regularly scheduled project status meetings conducted via teleconference, over the duration of the program. Included in Standard and Essentials |
Implementation of one survey program. Included in Standard and Essentials |
A standard project plan that includes the activities, tasks, assignments, milestones, and estimated durations developed in collaboration with you. Included in Essentials |
Communication Assistance | |||
A communications strategy guide to aid in communication efforts across your organization. Included in Standard and Essentials |
A sample welcome letter to introduce employees to the survey. Included in Standard and Essentials |
The creation of one sample electronic invitation for survey participants, one reminder for survey participants, and one electronic invitation to access results reporting. Included in Standard and Essentials |
Organizational Mapping | |||
Guidance on the appropriate mapping of the organizational hierarchy. Included in Standard and Essentials |
Use of the data import template in CSV. Included in Essentials |
Import the organizational hierarchy. Included in Essentials |
Customer use of the survey application to verify the accuracy of the organizational hierarchy loaded by WSA. Included in Essentials |
Survey Authoring Advisement | |||
Recommendation of the standard survey items and any discussion of any potential limitations to benchmark comparisons. Included in Standard |
Creation of one survey version for the entire customer population. Included in Essentials |
Translation support for deploying survey in up to five of customers' required languages. Included in Essentials |
Use the standard survey items with supplemental items to be selected by the customer. Potential limitations to benchmark comparisons will be discussed during the item design process. Included in Essentials |
Survey Administration Advisement | |||
Support of a single, one-point-in-time survey administration by you. Included in Standard |
A single, one-point-in-time survey administration. Included in Essentials |
Distribution of electronic email invitations. Included in Essentials |
Reporting Dashboard Advisement | |||
Guidance on the appropriate reporting dashboards and response rate access based on the organizational hierarchy reporting. Included in Standard and Essentials |
Up to two dashboard reviews. Included in Standard |
Design, configuration, and utilization of the dashboard reporting application to assign users the ability to view an online dashboard of survey results represented in numerical and graphical views. Included in Essentials |
Survey Platform Training | |||
A remotely administered workshop to train you on uploading a single organizational data file; creating a single survey instrument; launching the survey and sending invitation emails; creating and viewing results reporting (max length four hours). Included in Standard and Essentials Also available á la carte |
Item Design | |||
Includes up to five stakeholder interviews, conducted via teleconference for up to 30 minutes per each interview, review of existing survey content, secondary data and historical information provided by you, review of any potential limitations to benchmark comparisons and/or visual representations in reporting, and presentation of recommended item set. Up to two rounds of revisions to finalize item set. Included in Essentials Also available á la carte |
Post-Survey Executive Dialogue | |||
One executive summary dialog that includes the story behind the numbers, setting priorities, and taking action. Included in Essentials Also available á la carte |
Leader Enablement Workshop | |||
The Leader Enablement Workshop is a one-hour, in-person or virtual session online for your front-line leaders and HR business partners. This enablement discusses survey background, reading and interpreting your results, running an effective feedback meeting and building an action response. Included in Essentials Also available á la carte |
Linkage Analysis | |||
Correlation or regression analysis between one business metric and engagement scores. Available à la carte |
A la carte Offerings | |||
Item recommendations: Provides the customer with recommendations for one survey instrument for the customer. Includes review of any historical survey as input and recommendation of a best practice item set leveraging WorldNorm database. Potential limitations to benchmark comparisons and/or visual representations in reporting for custom client items will be discussed during the item design process. Available à la carte |
Executive Readout: One executive-level presentation of company-wide results delivered remotely by an executive consultant. Available à la carte |
Employee listening strategy: Half-day, collaborative employee journey mapping experience to uncover the gaps between current and future state employee experience for your company. Available à la carte |
Focus groups: One- to two-hour focus group with WSA facilitator, can be held remotely or on-site. Additionally, a follow-up analysis on feedback can be provided. Available à la carte |
Historical data import: Provides the customer with up to two-years of historical data from a single source for use in dashboard reporting. Available à la carte |
Survey configuration in multiple languages: Implementation of core and custom survey items in English, and other required languages. Please note that welcome page and customer items must be translated by customer and delivered to WSA. Available à la carte |
Reporting dashboard build: Design, configure, and publish three best practice employee experience dashboards in numerical and graphical view. Available à la carte |
HRIS integration: Setup assistance and testing Available à la carte |
SSO: Setup assistance and testing Available à la carte |
Delivery is a critical component to ensuring you have an efficient implementation with all of the components you need to reach your organization’s fullest potential. That is why we have a team of delivery experts who have guided and coached organizations through multiple high-performance initiatives. However, delivery is only part of the equation. Learn about our team of highly effective consultants who ensure the science is interwoven with the delivery to create just the right combination of success.